- Articles written for IJCSR include thoughts and research results in the field of Computer Science studies.
- The manuscript should be typed in Times New Roman, size 12 pts, with 1.5 spacing, on A4 paper 6-10 pages long, with provisions of 3 cm margin on the top margin, 2.5 cm bottom margin, 3 cm left margin, and 2 .5 cm right margin. With single column format
- The file was created using a high resolution PDF file and Microsoft Word (RTF extension). The author's name is included without an academic title and is placed under the title of the article.
- Authors must include the institutional address and e-mail to facilitate communication.
- All section and sub-section titles are in bold (bold)
- The systematics of writing research articles are: title; author's name (without academic degree); abstract (maximum 150 words) containing research objectives, methods and results; keywords; introduction (without title) which contains background, a brief literature review, research objectives, methods; discussion; conclusions and suggestions; bibliography (only contains referenced sources).
- Research paper abstracts are in English and Indonesian. Research abstracts must contain the title, objectives, methods and research findings.